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US Dressage FINALS High Score Breed AwardsÂ
It is an honor just to go the FINALS in Lexington, Ky! IDHSNA want to honor those representing the Irish Draught breed and crosses at...
Board needs feedback!
Dressage Sport Horse All Breed Awards: Did you know IDHSNA supports in-hand Dressage? 3 scores at 3 Licensed shows of 65%+ and membership...
Make your show $$ go farther!
USDF Dressage All Breed Awards If you are earning scores for Regional Championships, you are working your way towards United States...
Updating our website look
Content remains, look is brighter and more visible. Please contact Laurie if you find any links broken or issues with the site in...
UPDATED Blarney Advertising Insert Order Form
The Annual Blarney will be starting to be put together VERY SOON. We are targeting a date closer to the beginning of the year this year...